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1.破碎的杀法[ | ]

1.1Normal Mode Trash[ | ]

破碎大厅,就像所有的70级5人FB一样,有一些难度的小怪群,用来检验小队的配合。FB中有大的小怪群,包含5个JY怪和2个非JY人形怪。这样,群组控制和火力集中变得非常重要。而且,此FB是很少的可以有2个T的FB。在队友火力集中和配合下,一个T可以轻松地吸引住2个怪物。(Immediately preceding some of the larger pulls there are groups of level 1 critters which can help your tank build some cheap rage before pulling, making initial aggro generation much easier.)

在许多小怪群中,Legionnaire(军团士兵)需要首先杀掉,否则它会召唤新的怪加入战斗。(BUG NOTE: We ran this with two priests who each MCed a mob in the larger pulls. If you leave an MC to kill last, the entire group will respawn. This seems to be a bug and we worked around it by always dropping an MC just before the last mob dies or always keeping a sheeped mob to kill last. This bug occurs even with one MC, and was present as of . This bug occurs on the Legionnaire packs as well as the gladiator packs in the cubbies that line both sides of one hall.)

过了第一个boss之后,小队必须通过Gauntlet of Flame区域。这里类似BWL中的那个镇压房间。在小队在走廊的尽头遇到JY怪之前,会产生出2,3组非JY的Shattered Hall Zealots(破碎大厅狂热者)出来。静止不动的Shattered Hall Zealots(破碎大厅狂热者)必须被清掉,同时小队会受到火焰箭雨,有小的AOE伤害。有个有效的策略是,T拉住产生出来的狂热者到下一个静止狂热者那里去。这里应该可以安全地一次处理3,4组狂热者。这里通过Gauntlet区域要越快越好。在非常必要时,你可以在战斗之外吃喝回复,但非战斗间隔非常小。Gauntlet区域现在有个BUG,如果任何一个小队成员挂了,小怪会重新产生出来,因此在杀JY之前,保证每个人都活着。

通过Gauntlet of Flame区域之后,在屋子的两边的小怪群,为首的是Shattered Hall Centurion(百夫长)。拉怪之前,等他们进入战斗,他们战斗到30%血时,停止战斗并立即回复到满血。尽量在接近31%的时候引怪。怪中一般会有Shattered Hall Gladiators(格斗者),治疗应准备T会受到的致死打击。也可以从旁边溜过去,但风险很大。

在同一条路上,有个2组很大的怪群,每组有6个JY。Acolyte(侍僧)应该被变羊,因为他会给其它JY治疗和加盾;Dark Caster可用宠物顶住,他会放火雨和暗影链;首先杀Legionnaire,然后是Reaver (剥夺者,会Cleave),然后Heathens(野蛮人),最后Acolyte。这里只要空间容许,可以进行恐惧。

还有个应对大群怪的有效的策略是,LR引并风筝3个近战怪。直到Legionnaire, Acolyte,和possibly the Dark Caster被杀掉。大厅的长度是足够的。

在Warbringer O'mrogg和Kargath Bladefist之间距离很短,其中,有类似DZ的Shattered Hall Assassins,他可以偷袭一个玩家并攻击另外一个。LR的闪光或者其他发现隐形方法要用上。只要Kargath活着,他们会刷新很快。

1.1.1普通模式速度/AOE的方法[ | ]

我最喜爱的破碎刷刷队由一个QS T,武器战,2个火法和一个萨满治疗。武器z是可选的,可以被其他FS代替。如果带上武器z,需要让萨满提供Windfury图腾。TT会提高武器在的AOE中的DPS,并提高QS T的仇恨制造能力。


1.2英雄模式指导[ | ]

1.2.1Grand Warlock Nethekurse之前的小怪[ | ]

Shattered Hall Legionnaires(军团士兵)对70级防护QS,12k护甲,爆击一次6600,普通攻击3500。



Grand Warlock Nethekurse之前的那组怪有个曲折,房间里有些睡觉的兽人(被称为战斗中的军团士兵)。靠墙可以到达,引过来杀掉,这样可以不惊动那个大的军团士兵组。将这些睡觉者都杀掉使战斗更简单些。术士之前的狗狗组,也可以引过来杀,并不惊动军团士兵,这样通过隐身通过军团士兵组。

1.2.2'The Gauntlet' Event[ | ]


The Gauntlet is significantly harder, but a group with good DPS can take their time. Make sure you're all caught up with the spawns before moving on to the next pack – two come at a time, and it's based on a timer – killing them early does not make the next group spawn. Make sure if your healers and DPS fall behind on mana, you dispose of a pull quickly, drink up, and then wait for another pull before moving on to the next static group.

Gauntlet区域之后有个小boss,称为Blood Guard Porung。典型的T和快速的战斗,但有个恶心的近战顺劈,加上2个可以被CC的小怪。先杀掉两个小怪,然后集中杀掉BOSS。

1.2.3Warbringer O'mrogg[ | ]

Warbringer O'mrogg攻击更强了,OT的对象很难存活。此boss必杀,不能跳过。

1.2.4Kargath Bladefist strategies[ | ]

Kargath Bladefist最好通过最快的DPS来解决掉。类似普通模式,你可以用一个人杀小怪,

Kargath Bladefist can be best handled with a DPS race. Where as on normal mode you would have one person killing the adds, the extra hitpoints they have just makes it easier to ignore them to a degree. If you have a mage and hunter (or similar CC) spread out in the cage and the mage and hunter CC the first two adds that enter. Your Warrior should tank Kargath at the top of the stairs where you enter the cage and then also pick up and tank briefly the next 2-3 adds before fearing them off. By the time this is done Kargath should be dead. Really depends on what CC you have and how good your tank and DPS is.. Other groups may need to have one DPS on the adds, helped when needed by a second range one on each whirlwind.

For a Paladin tank, the setup is similar to the Warrior example given above. The Paladin should position himself at the top of the stairs while the DPS and healer(s) spread out in the cage. You can still CC the first two adds (making sure to wait until they're out of range of the Paladin's consecrate) and from then on, simply have the Paladin spam his consecrate at the top of the stairs while tanking Kargath. It's a good idea for him to judge wisdom during the initial pull to help regain some mana. Depending on the gear of the tank in question you may want to have anyone capable of AoE do so to help relieve some of the healing needed on the tank (which will still be contributing to the DPS on Kargath) but it's perfectly viable to have a geared Tankadin (102% avoidance, 12k unbuffed HP) simply take the hits from everything, stunning when needed. In any case, Amplify Magic is a good idea to aid healing.

1.3Grand Warlock Nethekurse[ | ]

1.3.1策略[ | ]

接近Grand Warlock Nethekurse时,会有4个非JY的Fel Converts站在他面前。在第四个被杀掉后,Nethekurse会攻击小队。Nethekurse在杀Fel Converts时,会说一些幽默的讽刺的话。如果小队杀4个怪时间过长,他会亲自杀了小怪然后攻击小队。

在整个战斗过程中,他会放置'Void Zones'(虚空区域?),放置后1秒后开始每秒做1000的暗影伤害。包括T在内所有人需要尽快离开。当半透明的,环形红色的图像出现在玩家身上,你会得到1-2秒的警告一个虚空区域的出现。虚空区域变成紫色垂直的柱状时产生实质的伤害。


在大约20%HP时,Nethekurse会发动'Dark Spin'技能,开始对周围的近距离的人造成2000点物理伤害,并对远程随机释放暗影带,造成1500伤害。他在发动技能的时候不能移动,因此近战退后,然后所有人使用远程攻击的方法(战士可以用反射)。盗贼可以用披风和逃避技能增加近战的时间。


1.3.2英雄模式[ | ]


1.4Blood Guard Porung(英雄)[ | ]

1.4.1背景[ | ]


1.4.2策略[ | ]


1.5Warbringer O'mrogg[ | ]

1.5.1技能[ | ]




1.5.2策略[ | ]








1.5.3仇恨[ | ]


1.6Warchief Kargath Bladefist[ | ]

1.6.1策略[ | ]


在战斗开始时,楼梯附近的走廊上会产生出JY刺客。小队在房间中分散站位,这样来躲开boss的旋风斩。刺客不会攻击,除非走下楼梯。(His cleave will still hit you if you are very very close to his cage, so have the tank tank him in the middle of the cage to keep Bladefist within range.)




Kargath的Blade Dance每30S发动一次,从T开始进攻开始。如果小队中有DZ,确保他们在BD之前跑开到剩余组员的那里去。这里BD是这主要的问题,最好让DZ或者其他近战去杀小的,boss让仅远程DPS杀。

1.6.2可选的策略1[ | ]

Have everyone walk up just two steps from the bottom (Third step) stand there the entire fight. The warrior runs in and begins the fight, tanking boss in the center of the room. (Watch your aggro Kargath WILL go on to the steps) The second step is far enough away to avoid the whirlwind cleave ability altogether. This makes it WAY easier to stay alive for clothies. Make sure you DO NOT take even one step back or you will aggro the rogues that spawn behind you.

Assign a mage and rogue, or mage and warlock, to burn down the adds immediately. We had a hunter as well and with this technique he was able to DPS the boss the entire fight.

Use mana pots early, it's a long fight and you'll be able to burn a second one if you need to this way.

This technique is nice because it works with or without a rogue. Also since nobody but the tank ever gets hit by the boss it's a cake fight that point anyway.

1.6.3可选的策略2[ | ]






1.6.4可选的策略3[ | ]


If you get into a situation where your group is full of melee DPS (Take my guild's situation one night: the group consisted of a priest, warrior, two rogues, and I, a feral druid). We tried a few strategies involving me tanking the adds, a rogue and I DPSing them down then high tail it back to the boss. Both failed because the healer forgot about me (or the tank was getting killed at that point and his heal was more important than mine) and as soon as a rogue and I killed one add, another came. Until someone got it in their head (which I'm disappointed that I didn't come up with the winning strategy)to use the bright idea of the tank taking everything and we simply melt the boss away. The boss dropped like hot cakes.

It's a fairly simple strategy, the tank fights the boss (and subsequently twenty or so mini-people) at the top of the stairs or around halfway down. As always, avoid going down too far to avoid the rogues.

DPS simply beats the living crud out of him until he dies.

You'll need some AoE damage--Consecration and Holy Shield are best, but Thunderclap will work for a warrior. Cleave and Demoralizing Shout will help grab them up, but Thunderclap will keep them. Unless you're very good at targeting something else, swiping it, targeting something else, swiping it, over and over again, holding all or most of the aggro INCLUDING the boss (whom, I might add, is getting it's face torn off by the DPS), more power to you.

A Paladin can just keep consecration and holy shield up and all the mobs will run into the AoE and then stick to the paladin like glue. Blessing of Sanctuary and retribution aura will help too.

For Warriors Thunderclap is the most effective skill. It does direct damage and causes pretty nice amounts of threat.

Timing ain't easy. Some adds will be missed, Thunderclap has a pretty short range, so the DPS, rather than the tank, should go off them. The tank needs to stay at the entrance to catch the adds.

You're going to need to be careful of his whirlwind. It's pretty obvious when he uses it and it's pretty slow. Spread out when he does it to avoid his splash damage and so your DPS doesn't take it in the backside four times from his Cleave portion (it will most likely hit everyone in range, not sure on this).

I know what you're asking: If you can survive the Boss alone, how can you survive the twenty odd mobs that come in? Elementary, my dear reader. After the boss dies, all the adds form one big Conga Line and book it the heck out of there, Dano. ...I'm serious. They run out the way they came when he dies. True story.

The advantage to this strategy is that it's a pretty fast fight IF the tank can hold everything while the healer keeps him up.

Why is it faster? None of your DPS is wasted on the adds. No one is trying to kite them or tank them or kill them whatsoever. Just full-on DPS on the boss.

[edit] Heroic Mode Strategy

Boss and his abilities are pretty much same as on normal. His melee attacks hit for 400-1200 on a well geared druid tank (around 1200 to 3500 unmitigated damage). While he is blade dancing, he hits clothies for up to 3000 damage. However, unlike non-heroic mode strategies, it is a good idea to only CC the first two mobs, and focus entirely on the boss, using all trinkets and cooldown abilities.

Coordinate damage boosts at the start of the fight, such as Drums of War

All ranged DPS to a corner, as far back as possible.

Hunters lay a Freezing Trap on top of the bridge, to CC an add.

Ignore the adds, including the mobs that were CCed from the start and focus entirely on nuking the boss.

1.6.5建议的站位[ | ]


这里有个我们用过的站位,什么有效。T的站位可以让他得到的小怪最早的攻击,并留给DPS杀死他们的跟多的空间。 Example
